

Valve Bag Making Machines

Valve Bag Making Machines

In the world of packaging, efficiency, versatility, and reliability are paramount. And among the many machines that cater to these needs, the valve bag-making machine stands out as a cornerstone in the packaging indust...

What Is Tuber Machine & Bottomer Machine?

What Is Tuber Machine & Bottomer Machine?

As time goes by, more and more developing countries become focusing on infrastructural projects. And the need for cement also increases. Then, the package of the cement also gets attention as the demand increases. It is ...



----达肯公司全体员工热烈欢迎赴阿尔及利亚同事回家 2021年10月5日,达肯包装机械有限公司赴阿尔及利亚为客户进行机器设备安装调试的工程师团队,在完成国家疫情期间返国人员隔离工作后,顺利回归岗位。 达肯公司总经理张昊率领达肯全体工作人员,热烈欢迎在疫情期间远赴阿尔及利亚工程师团队凯旋归来,同时为工程师们送上鲜花与慰问金,并关切询问工程师们的身体与精神状况,存在问题与因难。 2021年5月下旬,在国内外疫情严峻的情况下,达肯公司...